Senin, 25 Juli 2022 - 19:10:38 WIB
Gaungriau.com -- YD Capital I L.P. (the "Fund") has received subscription from investors including well-known international sovereign wealth funds.
The Fund will focus on investments in high-quality enterprises in both upstream and downstream segments of the healthcare intelligence industry, including digital diagnosis and treatment, innovative insurance, pharmaceutical research…
Senin, 25 Juli 2022 - 16:05:55 WIB
MIMS is the Editorial Contents Provider for Singapore’s NDF Initiative
Gaungriau.com -- Media OutReach -- MIMS, the region's leading healthcare data and medical knowledge provider, is proud to announce that MIMS has successfully collaborated with Singapore's Ministry of Health (MOH) on the editorial contents for the National Drug Formulary (NDF) website. The NDF is a MOH initiative under…
Kamis, 21 Juli 2022 - 12:40:18 WIB
CUHK Business School Research Reveals the Genetic Makeup of a Leader
Gaungriau.com -- Is there such a thing as a natural-born leader? A new study sheds light on the genetic influences on leadership and found a surprising connection with bipolar disorder and alcohol consumption.
Individuals in leadership positions are more likely to have certain genes — and not all…
Rabu, 20 Juli 2022 - 09:25:08 WIB
VinUni collaborates with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to establish the VinUni-Illinois Smart Health Center
Gaungriau.com -- VinUniversity and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) announced the opening of the VinUni-Illinois Smart Health Center (VISHC), which will focus on interdisciplinary research in biotechnology and data science. VISHC was officially given 13,5 million USD in funding from Vingroup to develop affordable and accessible projects…
Senin, 18 Juli 2022 - 12:20:32 WIB
AUW Offers Hundreds of Scholarships for Afghan Women; Donates Essential Medicines for Kabul Hospitals
Gaungriau.com -- Asian University for Women (AUW), based in Chittagong, Bangladesh, offered hundreds of new scholarships for Afghan women who are eligible and qualified for admission to AUW's undergraduate or graduate programs. During a four-day visit to Kabul, Kamal Ahmad, Founder of the Asian University for Women, met with Mr.…
Selasa, 12 Juli 2022 - 16:25:44 WIB
Delphos appoints Angela Rodell as Chair of the Delphos International Advisory Board
Gaungriau.com -- Delphos Holdings is pleased to announce the appointment of Angela Rodell as Chair of the Delphos International Advisory Board effective immediately.
Ms Rodell has an impressive history as CEO of the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation, and has played a key part in securing millions of…
Selasa, 12 Juli 2022 - 13:40:16 WIB
Media OutReach Newswire meluncurkan e-mail baru dan tata letak konten berita untuk jurnalis dan mitra media daring
Gaungriau.com -- Media OutReach Newswire mengumumkan peluncuran format e-mail siaran pers baru untuk jurnalis dan tata letak perilisan berita yang terintegrasi dengan lancar sebagai konten organik di situs berita mitra media kami.
Sebagai kantor berita yang selalu menjadi yang terdepan dalam meningkatkan hasil distribusi untuk klien, Media…
Kamis, 07 Juli 2022 - 12:30:44 WIB
An Astounding New Chapter for The Alchemist of Light High Jewellery Collection by De Beers
Gaungriau.com -- Light is pure energy, emanating from the sun and stars, interacting with the world around us, revealing its many expressions. It can flash with intensity or radiate softness. Highlight shapes or create shadows. Shine with clarity or conjure optical illusions. When it touches a diamond, its colour, cut…
Jumat, 01 Juli 2022 - 21:50:32 WIB
GEODIS menyelesaikan akuisisinya terhadap Keppel Logistics
Gaungriau.com -- GEODIS, pemimpin global dalam sektor transportasi dan logistik, telah memfinalisasi akuisisinya terhadap Keppel Logistics setelah mendapatkan persetujuan regulatif. Transaksi ini memperkuat jejak Kontrak Logistik dan pelayanan pemenuhan eCommerce GEODIS di Asia Pasifik, khususnya di Singapura.
Keppel Logistics yang berbasis di Singapura merupakan spesialis…
Kamis, 30 Juni 2022 - 13:20:40 WIB
Solusi Keterlibatan Pelanggan CSG Mendapatkan Pujian dari Berbagai Perusahaan Analis Terkemuka
Diposisikan sebagai pemimpin oleh berbagai perusahaan analis industri, bukti pemahaman mendalam, inovasi, dan kepakaran dari platform ujung ke ujung
Gaungriau.com -- Dalam dunia saat ini yang dipenuhi kepuasan instan, tidaklah mudah untuk mendapatkan peluang kedua agar dapat meninggalkan kesan bagi konsumen, oleh karena itu, sangatlah penting…
Rabu, 29 Juni 2022 - 21:15:56 WIB
FTT DAO raises $7 million, donated by FTX token fans
Gaungriau.com -- FTT DAO, a community-led ecosystem DAO, has received 250,000 $FTT, worth approximately $7 million USD, in community donations to help kick start its activities.
A number of community contributors participated in the donation to help grow FTT DAO. Through this donation, which will…
Jumat, 08 April 2022 - 13:10:32 WIB
Di tengah Ancaman Pandemi
CPA Australia: Usaha Kecil Indonesia Menjuarai Pertumbuhan Bisnis di Asia Pasifik
Jakarta (Gaungriau.com) - Meskipun mengalami hantaman keras akibat COVID-19 pada tahun 2021, namun usaha kecil Indonesia masih berhasil mengungguli usaha kecil di Asia Pasifik dalam hal pertumbuhan bisnis, sebagian karena tingkat penerapan perdagangan elektronik yang tinggi. Mereka mungkin akan mempertahankan momentum ini pada tahun 2022, menurut CPA Australia, salah…
Rabu, 06 April 2022 - 14:05:14 WIB
Refinitiv Mengumumkan Pemenang
Jakarta (Gaungriau.com) -- Refinitiv, suatu bisnis LSEG, telah mengumumkan para pemenang FX Trading Awards 2022 untuk komunitas trading Indonesia.
FX Awards bertujuan untuk menggalakkan transparansi dan likuiditas dalam pasar valuta asing Indonesia dan untuk memberikan pengakuan terhadap pentingnya…
Rabu, 06 April 2022 - 11:00:55 WIB
Dachser revenue exceeds EUR 7 billion for the first time
Germany (Gaungriau.com) -- In the 2021 financial year, Dachser increased its consolidated revenue by 26.0 percent to EUR 7.1 billion. After the lockdown-driven lateral detour of the previous year, the logistics provider is back on a dynamic growth track. The positive outcome for 2021 is due to organic growth in…
Rabu, 15 Desember 2021 - 12:05:08 WIB
Siklus Announces Business Growth And Sustainability Results For 2021
Gaungriau.com (JAKARTA) -- Siklus, an Indonesia-based firm solving economic and environmental issues through its e-commerce and refill delivery solution, is reporting its business growth and environmental impact results for 2021.
Business growth:
After focusing efforts on R&D, pilot testing, and fine-tuning its business model the previous year,…
Jumat, 19 Maret 2021 - 06:30:55 WIB
Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City aims at becoming nucleus of Ho Chi Minh City’s innovative eastern urban area
Gaungriau.com (VIETNAM) -- The HCM City People's Committee has recognised the Vi?t Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City (VNUHCM) as a hub of science, technology, culture, and knowledge in the city's innovative eastern area.
The area has contributed to the establishment of a value-added chain for a…
Kamis, 18 Maret 2021 - 17:20:03 WIB
Bybit Adds ADA, DOT and UNI to Its USDT Margined Offerings
Gaungriau.com (SINGAPORE) -- Cryptocurrency derivatives exchange Bybit has announced today the arrival of three new USDT trading pairs with Cardano's ADA, Polkadot's DOT and Uniswap's UNI.
The introduction of these new trading pairs is the second expansion of Bybit's markets in as many weeks, following the arrival of…
Selasa, 23 Juni 2020 - 10:40:53 WIB
Now Available in Mobile Preview
Microsoft Introduces New Features in Teams to Connect Users With Friends and Family
Gaungriau.com (SINGAPORE) -- Microsoft today announced new Teams features that extends beyond work life to personal life. The new features are designed to alleviate the need for disparate tools and instead, offer one central hub for individuals, groups, and families to collaborate, stay connected and organized.
Users can…
Kamis, 14 Februari 2019 - 14:45:11 WIB
Legend FC poised to Grow Mixed Martial Arts in China
HONG KONG -- Legend Fighting Championship, a pioneer of mixed martial arts in Asia, is pleased to announce two strategic partners have joined its board ahead of the organisation's plans to expand into the Greater China region.
Audie Attar, President of Paradigm Sports Management, has joined Legend FC…
Selasa, 12 Februari 2019 - 19:40:53 WIB
Chubb Tunjuk Budi Tatawidjaja Sebagai Direktur Kepatuhan Untuk Indonesia
JAKARTA -- PT Chubb General Insurance Indonesia (Chubb) hari ini mengumumkan penunjukan Budi Tatawidjaja sebagai Direktur Kepatuhan. Dirinya akan menjadi bagian dari Direksi Chubb dan bertanggung jawab kepada Tai-Kuan Ly, Direktur Utama Chubb.
Dalam jabatan barunya, Bapak Tatawidjaja akan mengawasi urusan-urusan yang berkenaan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur…
Rabu, 30 Januari 2019 - 14:30:23 WIB
Citco First To Reach $1T AuA Milestone Through Organic Growth
CHINA -- The Citco Group of Companies ("Citco"), a leading provider of asset servicing solutions to the global alternative investment industry, today announced that global assets under administration ("AuA") have hit the US $1 trillion mark. An important footnote to this achievement is that the milestone was reached purely…
Selasa, 29 Januari 2019 - 18:05:49 WIB
DHL wins Indian supply chain contract from Becton Dickinson
INDIA -- DHL Supply Chain, the global market leader for contract logistics solutions, has been awarded the warehousing and distribution contract for select sites of the leading global medical technology company Becton Dickinson (BD) in India.
"We are delighted to be awarded the contract to handle BD's warehousing…
Rabu, 07 November 2018 - 12:10:29 WIB
ITV Choice Expands Footprint in Asia and the Middle East with two brand new partners
LONDON -- gaungriau.com -- Wrapping up 2018 on a high, ITV Choice is announcing two brand new partners; Cookie TV(Myanmar) and MyHD(Middle East) along with ten successful partnership renewals.
November 2018 will mark ITV Choice's debut into Myanmar with Cookie TV, just in time for Myanmar audiences to enjoy the…
Rabu, 15 Agustus 2018 - 10:15:38 WIB
Alpha7, a Singapore Cloud Technology company, raises over US$5.2 million in private funding
SINGAPORE -- Gaungriau.com -- Alpha7, a digital advisory company, launched its own proprietary solution A7 IoB® (A7 Internet of Business) in August 2017 and had received US$5.2 million in private funding to date. A7 IoB® help Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) get onto the digital train as a business…
Rabu, 15 Agustus 2018 - 09:40:59 WIB
JJ Lin takes the stage to unveil his new look!
SINGAPORE -- Gaungriau.com -- JJ Lin stopped by for some famous fun at Madame Tussauds Singapore on Sentosa. The award winning singer-songwriter is back home for the Singapore stop of his "JJ Lin Sanctuary World Tour", and visited the world famous wax attraction to update and unveil his new…
Kamis, 05 Juli 2018 - 13:50:00 WIB
Achieves Kidney Health Awareness Goals
Fresenius Medical Care Back to the Wall Run
JIAYUGUAN, CHINA -- Gaungriau.com -- Extreme adventurer and philanthropist, David Grier, and his running companion, Andrew Stuart, arrived in Jiayuguan City this Tuesday, concluding their 4200 kilometer run of the Great Wall of China. The run, which they undertook in partnership with Fresenius Medical Care, the world's largest provider…
Rabu, 04 Juli 2018 - 10:25:42 WIB
Upcoming ABCC Platform Token To Embrace Bitcoin Mining Philosophy
SINGAPORE -- Gaungriau.com -- ABCC, the world-class cryptocurrency exchange, recently announced the issuance of its platform token, ABCC Token (AT), to reward its platform members. The project guideline outlined the detailed mechanism.
Set to be issued on 9 July 2018, AT is an ERC20 Token designed and used…
Rabu, 04 Juli 2018 - 07:45:58 WIB
Di Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2018
Avnet Menampilkan Inovasi Kolaborative Mempercepat Penerapan Narrowband IoT
SHANGHAI -- Gaungriau.com -- Pada Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2018 yang dimulai hari ini, Avnet Asia Pacific akan menampilkan solusi inovatif Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) bersama mitranya, untuk mempercepat komersialisasi NB-IoT.
Didorong oleh pemerintah Cina dan permintaan pasar lokal, NB-IoT semakin cepat tergabung dalam komersialisasi berskala besar sebagai salah…
Selasa, 05 Juni 2018 - 18:10:10 WIB
Kini Dascoin terdapat di Blockfolio
LONDON -- Gaungriau.com -- DasCoin, Mata Uang Kepercayaan dan penyimpanan nilai dalam DasEcosystem, kini terdaftar di aplikasi manajemen portofolio mata uang kripto yang paling populer di dunia, Blockfolio.
Blockfolio mendukung lebih dari 3.000 mata uang kripto yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk melacak keseluruhan portofolio mereka di satu tempat. Aplikasi…
Selasa, 05 Juni 2018 - 12:55:14 WIB
Kini Dascoin terdaftar di Coinmarketcap.com
LONDON -- Gaungriau.com -- DasCoin, Mata Uang Kepercayaan dan penyimpanan nilai dalam DasEcosystem, kini terdaftar di Coinmarketcap.com, situs terkemuka untuk pelacakan pergerakan harga mata uang kripto.
Coinmarketcap digunakan oleh para ahli kripto dan pengguna baru yang sama serta menempati peringkat ke-44 sebagai situs web yang paling populer di…
Jumat, 01 Juni 2018 - 00:55:18 WIB
Huge Scam Happening In Cryptocurrency
Million Dollar Scammer Joins McAfee Team, Block Asia Investigates
SINGAPORE -- Gaungriau.com -- Block Asia, the first Southeast Asian cryptocurrency news media platform has received several tipoffs and insider information from anonymous sources targeting infamous cryptocurrency scammer surrounding millions of dollars and is actively investigating the case and following the leads.
Alleged swindler Zeeshan Najeeb was officially…
Kamis, 31 Mei 2018 - 18:30:05 WIB
Dascoin now listed on Coinmarketcap.com
LONDON -- Gaungriau.com -- DasCoin, the Currency of Trust and the store of value within DasEcosystem, is now listed on Coinmarketcap.com, the leading site for tracking the price movements of cryptocurrency.
Coinmarketcap is used by crypto experts and new adopters alike and is ranked as the 44th most…
Kamis, 31 Mei 2018 - 15:25:16 WIB
Dascoin now featured on Blockfolio
LONDON -- Gaungriau.com -- DasCoin, the Currency of Trust and the store of value within DasEcosystem, is now listed on the world's most popular cryptocurrency portfolio management app, Blockfolio.
Blockfolio supports over 3,000 cryptocurrencies allowing users to track their entire portfolio in one place. The app provides detailed…
Rabu, 30 Mei 2018 - 12:20:07 WIB
Odyssey (OCN) Officially Listed on Bittrex and Upbit, Showing Major Progress in Any Market Cycle
SINGAPORE -- Gaungriau.com -- Singapore based blockchain company Odyssey Protocol, a leading provider in the decentralized sharing economy and P2P global transaction space has announced its successful listing on two major cryptocurrency exchanges; Upbit and Bittrex. This long-anticipated listing comes after a rigorous selection process from the cryptocurrency exchanges…
Kamis, 17 Mei 2018 - 06:10:15 WIB
SOPA Announces 2018 Journalism Awards Finalists
HONG KONG -- Gaungriau.com -- The Society of Publishers in Asia (SOPA), a Hong Kong-based not-for-profit organization, today announced the finalists for the SOPA 2018 Awards for Editorial Excellence after receiving the highest number of entries since the launch of the awards in 1999.
The finalists (see the…
Jumat, 04 Mei 2018 - 12:55:47 WIB
QUOINE’s Newly Launched ICO Mission Control Platform
SINGAPORE -- Gaungriau.com -- VUULR, a Blockchain-based global digital supply chain and marketplace for the TV and Film content industry, has announced that it will be launching its Initial Coin Offering (ICO) with QUOINE Corporation ("QUOINE"), a global financial technology company that provides trading, exchange, and next generation financial…
Jumat, 04 Mei 2018 - 04:15:30 WIB
Europe and the US
DHL adds second around-the-world flight connecting Asia
SINGAPORE -- Gaungriau.com -- DHL Global Forwarding, the leading international provider of air, sea and road freight services, today announced the launch of its second around-the-world scheduled flight, to connect Asia, Europe and the US. This is in response to the strong growth in demand for air freight capacity,…
Rabu, 02 Mei 2018 - 18:10:54 WIB
Bursa mengumumkan perdagangan DasCoin secara publik mulai hari ini
LONDON -- Gaungriau.com -- DasCoin, Mata Uang Kepercayaan dan penyimpanan nilai dalam DasEcosystem, akan memulai perdagangan secara publik pada beberapa bursa mata uang kripto mulai hari ini.
Peluncuran ini, yang berlangsung di London pusat, menunjukkan puncak dari persiapan selama dua tahun dan kegiatan strategis untuk mengembangkan platform bisnisnya.…
Jumat, 27 April 2018 - 15:36:57 WIB
DasCoin Mulai Memasuki Perdagangan di Bursa Publik
LONDON -- Gaungriau.com -- DasCoin, Mata Uang Kepercayaan dan penyimpanan nilai dalam DasEcosystem, telah menyelesaikan persiapan selama dua tahun yang tersusun dengan baik serta kegiatan strategis untuk mengembangkan platform bisnisnya. Perusahaan merasa senang untuk mengumumkan kesiapannya saat ini untuk meluncur di bursa publik bersamaan dengan acara peluncuran yang bersejarah…
Rabu, 25 April 2018 - 17:30:21 WIB
DasCoin set to trade on public exchanges
LONDON -- Gaungriau.com -- DasCoin, the Currency of Trust and the store of value within DasEcosystem, has completed a well structured two-year journey of preparation and strategic activity to develop its business platform. The company is delighted to announce it is now ready to launch onto public exchanges in…